
What is the total dead space in lungs
What is the total dead space in lungs

what is the total dead space in lungs

To reach the alveoli Physiologic Dead Space l When alveoli don’tįunction normally, there is poor perfusion of O 2 to the body tissues – This is usually due to: l Underperfusion of O 2 (this air is called anatomic dead space) l Approximates 30% of tidal volume breath – Deeper breaths, as in exercise, allows more fresh air In the alveolar chambers – Not all air inspired in single breath gets to alveoli – amount of air either inspired or expired in a normal breath Alveolar Ventilation l The portion of minute ventilation that mixes with air Volume* x frequency of breaths per minute example:Ġ.5 L x 12 breath/min = P.V. Into and out of the body pulmonary ventilation = tidal

what is the total dead space in lungs

If the FEV 1/FVC is less than 70% – MVV – maximum voluntary ventilation (usually deepīreaths for 15 sec then multiply by 4 to determine volume in 1 minute) Pulmonary Ventilation l Pulmonary An airway obstruction is most likely evident Lung volumes: – FEV 1 – forced expiratory volume – FVC – forced vital capacity – FEV 1/FVC – helps to indicate lung problems l e.g. How quickly air can be moved into or out of lung based upon time Static Lung Volumes Dynamic Lung Volumes l Depend on 2 factors: – Volume of air moved – Speed of air movement l Examples of dynamic Limitation l Dynamic – denote power components of lung, i.e. how much air can be moved into or out of lungs without time Pull ribs back down and in Lung Volumes l Static – denote dimensional components of Muscles pull ribs up and out l Expiration (during exercise) – Internal intercostals and abdominals

what is the total dead space in lungs

Inspiratory movements l Pressure gradientīetween air inside and air outside lungs l Expiration (at rest) – Passive process l Diaphram relaxes l Pressureĭifferential (greater inside than out, so air moves out) Mechanics of Ventilation l Inspiration (during exercise) – External intercostals and scaleni To be pulled into lungs due to pressure differential – Degree of filling due to: l Magnitude of Rest) – Diaphragm contracts and moves downward l Causing outside air And Exercise The Pulmonary System Major Functions of Pulmonary System l Supply O 2 required in metabolism l Eliminate CO 2 produced in metabolism l Regulate to maintain acid-base balance Mechanics of Ventilation l Inspiration (at

What is the total dead space in lungs